
December 31st 2006
Happy new year to all of us!
I hope the new year will be as great for you as last year was for me!
New year, time for change!
I have planned to change my website to a more attractive looking site.
I don't think anyone will complain if that happens.
I know the site has been looking bit..... I know...
So please send me an e-mail an comment on the new design before it is final.
So here is a picture of what is in the works.

Nothing will be taken away but the menus will not be following you down on the page anymore and pages will be easier to print.
Hopefully I will add a lot of new material too
If you don't e-mail me you can't blame me for for the results. He he!
Got the hint? E-mail me!

December 15th
Time for a well deserved holiday!
The shop is closed from December 16th until January 3rd 2007.
I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a Happy new year!

November 26th
Today I found the time to update a bit.
27 new links.
2 new gallery pages.
More stuff in the wig customer gallery
Some minor changes all through the site.
I am working on some more step by step guides that will be published soon.
I will also very soon start selling makeup brushes at very nice prices.

November 25th
There has been very few updates recently.
But of course this is because I have not felt like sitting in front of the computer too much when I have a wonderful three month baby at home.
But now I have added a few more videos about moustache cleaning and styling.
I have a whole bunch of other updates that will be coming very, very soon.

Be patient!  Register for updates at the top of the page and then you will know when something has happened.

With the risk of you all thinking that I have totally lost it and become a full time Daddy I feel that I have to show you some pictures of my wonderful wife and son.

August 23d
I am the happiest man in the world.

This afternoon Heather and I got a wonderful little baby boy called Jack.
Everything went fine even if it was a very quick delivery and an ambulance had to take us there. Nine (9!) minutes after arriving at the hospital he was out.

July 2d
The competition is now over and the name of the winner will soon be revealed on the competition page.

June 8th
I have now made a pdf catalogue that you can download on various pages in wig shop or here.
 I will not do the Istanbul lectures as they decided not to have any lectures at all this year. I am actually quite relived. It's has been to hectic recently and I need a holiday!

May 28th
I am now back in Sweden after my lectures in Romania. They were very successful and were attended by more than 2000 persons.
I was also interviewed and did a makeup demo on the biggest morning talk show "Canalul de Stiri" in Romania. I hope I will be able to get a copy of it that I can show you here.

The wig shop has gotten a warm welcome and quite a lot of customers already. I would like to thank everybody who has given me their confidence to provide them with different hairpieces! Check out the shop and
competition yourself if you haven't done that yet!

Updated the media page with some clips from Romania and the "Thank you" page from the latest Makeup artist magazine were I was mentioned among all the makeup artists that made me want to do this job. Thank you very much for that!!!

And of course some new links for all of you link junkies out there!

May 10th
If you would like to attend a seminar with me you have the chance next weekend in Bucharest in Romania when I am a speaker at the "Congres LNE 2006" organised by Les nouvelles esthetiques http://www.lne.ro/
It is a bit scary because it is a huge event but I am looking forward to it.

May 4th
The problem with the web shop is fixed and you can now use the competition and order forms again. Thank you for your patience!

May 2'd
The web shop is open but we have experienced some problems with the forms from the web provider. They have promised a quick solution and I hope it will be.
Send me a normal e-mail with orders for now. I will come back with updates as soon as I can.

April 30th  2006
The wig shop is now open!
Opening Offer!

From April 30th 2006 until 30th June 2006 we offer you a 20% discount on all standard wigs, custom hairline wigs, moustaches and beards.

Big Competition! (Now closed)
Would you like to have a standard wig, a beard, a moustache and some DVD's but don't want to pay?
Enter the competition and win it instead! Total value of US$ 550!

April 13th  2006

Still working on the web shop and I guess I can sneak open it now even if I am still working on it if anyone wants to shop now!
I will soon have the official opening with some nice discounts for the grand opening so keep checking back!

April 11th  2006
Still working on the web shop!
Things are getting closer and a few more pages entered today as well as an updated menu. Check it out!!!!
The shop I mean not the menu. The menu is not that exciting!
A whole bunch of new links too for the ones of you who can never get enough!

April 9th  2006

I am still working on getting my new wig shop ready to be opened but as I have tons of other jobs too it's taking a bit longer than I hoped.
A video on how to measure your head and copy your hairline is now done.
Check it on the videopage.
You can also buy it on DVD.

March 18th  2006

Sorry for the downtime today. The server had some problems and I had to re-upload my website. If you find anything that is missing or don't work then please e-mail me!!!!
Sneak peek on my latest project. Check it and guess!

February 20th  2006
22 new links
, new narration on the old foam latex video and a new gallery page. Some small updates here and there too.
No news about the new wig shop though. Sorry!
I have been incredibly busy with tons of work.

February 8th  2006
I am waiting to publish any pictures from the new show I am working on for a few more weeks. But for the curious ones I have sneaked in a few in my updated portfolio. I have also updated the media page with some new articles about me. I'll wait with the new links I have collected too.
Be patient!
I would also like to send a greeting to all the lovely people that I met on IMATS in London. I had a great time and I am looking forward to doing it next year again!

December 24th  2005
 No updates today. I want to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year! Enjoy life!

December 15th  2005
 Web shop update today. I have still not opened it but I did reveal the preliminary prices today. Check it out!

November 22  2005

No real good news today as I have been working a secret project that I won't be able to talk about for three years. Sorry guys!
Then bad news! The opening of my new web shop has been delayed as I have still not gotten the materials needed for it.
The new plan is to open it in January.

November 7th  2005
Small update today.
38 new links.
Posted my Spotlight from MakeUp Artist magazine.

October 29th  2005
You may have noticed that my website has been offline for a few days.
This was because my web host went bankrupt and it just died.
So I got myself a new one which seems more reliable and faster too.
So if you sent me any e-mails the last couple of days you will have to resend them. Sorry about that!
So I hope you will have a great Halloween and party like crazy.
Me? I will be working and won't be able to celebrate at all :(

October 14th  2005
It is done!!! I know a lot of you have been waiting for this one.
Silicone Prosthetics videos!!
Both on DVD (high quality) and on the Web (shitty quality but free)!
Please e-mail me with your comments about them.

October 13th  2005
I feel quite active right now. Can you feel the sweat dripping on the pages?
I have been very busy with the creation of my latest DVD about Silicone prosthetics. A lot of people have given me very kind comments about the first video that I felt happy to do some more.
Don't worry! If you are poor you will still be allowed to see it on the web!
But if you do have a little bit of money you can see it in full quality on DVD.
You can now pre-order the DVD and you will be one of the first ones to see it. Click here to order!
The videos will come to the web within a week. Stay tuned!

October 5th  2005
New stuff again!
More pics in the gallery and a new interview (in Persian) on the media page.
Some comments have started coming in about the silicone video.
I need more responses though before posting any new videos!
What is this?? Have Lars started to ask for something in return for his stuff?
Well, you have to understand me. I am still a beginner with video stuff and I need you to tell me what I am doing wrong or right.
I am still not charging you for anything though and I hope it can stay that way forever!

September 5th  2005
Wow! Two updates in two days. Are you chocked?
I am!
New videos! Silicone application video and one more newspaper clip.
Various updates on some gallery pages and some small stuff that you will have to look for!

September 4th  2005
Summer is over and life is back to normal again. Well as normal as it can get. With a new job, new house and new studio things have changed quite a bit. Next week I have my first premiere on the new theatre. It is "The Trial" by Franz Kafka and I have chosen to do it in a very stylized way.
You will see pictures in a few weeks time of tons of rope, lace, toilet rolls and cloth that has been turned into wigs. Long story why but I think it might be fun to watch it.
Other news! In November I will open a new web shop for handmade, human hair wigs and I hope that you will be pleasantly surprised at the prices.
I have after years of searching finally found an Asian factory that can provide me with half done wigs that I can finish for my customers here to guarantee a perfect fit and good prices. Don't forget to check back in mid November and see if it is open yet.
Ok. To the web updates: 26 new links and some more news clips. 

June 17th  2005
"Beauty and the beast" is now over but as I worked approx. 70 hours a WEEK on this one I have not been able to update the site very much and not answer any e-mails. I am soooo sorry about this but I have started to dig down in the huge pile on mail that has gathered during these last months.
Other news. I have now after 13 years quit my employment at the GothenburgOpera to become the head of the makeup department at Folkteatern instead. A bit sad to leave but thrilled at the same time!
I have already started to work there now but will go on holiday today and start again on August 1st. I need a break!!!
I am really looking forward to the new challenges I will face working with drama again. Stay tuned for more info when I go back to work.

April 18th  2005
I know that you have all been disappointed as hell about the lack of updates. What can I say? Sorry! But I have been working like I have never worked before. I am still out on tour with "Beauty and the beast" but now things have started to slow down a bit. But today I have quite a lot of goodies for you. Three new gallery pages, five new videos, four new news clips and 30 new links. Hopefully this will keep you busy for a while.

December 24th  2004
I wish everyone a really wonderful Christmas and a great new year!
Next year will be full of new things for us. First of all me and my wife, Heather bought a new house which we will move into during January and then I will start a new job.
Yes, after twelve years at the opera I thought it was time to move on and become the head of the small makeup department at Folkteatern in Gothenburg instead.
It will be great to work with drama again even if I will miss the opera too. Hopefully this will great fun and give me the chance to make some great new makeup's there.

October 31st  2004
I have about a ton of new stuff that I would love to show you but I am not allowed to do it yet.
Right now I am working on a stage production of "The beauty and the beast" and Disney gave us free hands to do what we want.
So I am up to my knees in clay working on Gargoyles, witches and of course beasts. But I can't show you anything until it premieres in February.
Hope you will think it is worth the wait!
I do have 30 new links for you though. Enjoy them for now.

October 31st  2004
I hope everyone had a great Halloween!
I didn't do anything this year.
But if you live in America please do your duty on Tuesday and make sure that Mr. Bush does NOT get re-elected.
We don't want any more wars based on oil or money!

October 26th  2004
Halloween is coming but this year I don't have time to celebrate.
Me and my wife bought a house and the planning of that has taken all my time.
So I won't have my annual party this year :(
Hope everyone else will have fun!


August 26th  2004
As always things take a bit longer than I expect but now I have done a small update. Some new links and two new pages about courses and seminars.
I had such a great time doing lectures in China so I figured that I should advertise the fact that I do hold lectures.
Hire me! I want to travel to your country next!

August 9th  2004
I am now back from my trip to China and the three lectures I did in Weihai!
Check back soon for updates about my trip and some new links.

June 28th  2004
I updated my media gallery again with an article from a recent Australian book!

June 20th  2004
I promised and now I deliver!
31 new links, a new gallery page, new stuff in the media gallery and bits and pieces here and there.

The summer is here now and I won't work for a while I hope so I wish all of you a lovely holiday and lazy days in the sun!
I will be working a few days in the end of July, so if you have nothing to do come and visit my seminars in Weihai, China.
It will be so much fun to go back to Asia again.

June 15th  2004
Sorry for not doing any updates!!
I have collected a lot of new material but have not had the time to put them up here. But I promise that you will have the update
very soon!

3rd April  2004
I keep doing little changed here and there. I have found tons and tons of tiny errors. So now I ask you for help. Send me all the spelling mistakes, non working links, factual errors and what ever you can find that you think should be changed. Take this opportunity to complain ;)

17th March  2004
This is the biggest update done in the ten years this page has been online. Everything is changed.
Everything from fixing bad English to tons of new stuff.
If you find anything that doesn't work please tell me about it!
Hope you will like the new design!

16 January 2004
While  waiting to be able to upload my latest projects (can't do it yet due to a contract) I updated my links list.
I hope to meet a lot of you on the tradeshow in London next weekend!
Come over and say hello!

20 November 2003
A few days turned into three weeks but now the pictures and video is finally here.
Have fun!
Soon I will begin writing my page about silicone appliances.
Hang in there!

31 October  2003
I have not done any updates yet but there will be a special Halloween update in a few days.
I been working my not so little butt off to get ready for this years festivities. Cameras are already mounted in the studio so expect pictures soon!
I just wanted to say:
Happy Halloween to all of you!!!
Scaring people is fun isn't it??

12 October  2003
I added my terms of employment to the site.
I know it sounds really boring but it really makes my life a lot easier.

10 October  2003 part 2
Now I have an update monitor for you!
Check the top of the page
Thanks Volker!!

10 October  2003
Mini update on the links page.
A question for you now.
Does anyone know how I can set up a automated mailing list that will tell you when I have updated my pages?

29 September 2003
Now it was time for some more pictures in the gallery.
A small update on the media library happened too!
Now I won't do any updates until after Halloween!
I still haven't started to make any cool stuff for this years party.

2 September 2003
I am now back from my honeymoon and we are still married!!
We had a great time travelling around Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia for 6.5 weeks.
The only bad thing is the slight post trip blues I am suffering.
Oh, well I'll be back to normal in a few weeks I hope.
Until then don't expect me to do any updates!

30th June  2003

I am now a married man. My wonderful Heather said "I do"  and is now Mrs Carlsson.
We had a wonderful day and everything was perfect.
Now we are travelling to England tomorrow to have wedding blessing and then fly off to Thailand for 7 weeks.
So I guess you understand why I won't answer e-mails for a while.

24th June  2003

A mini update on the links page.. 33 new ones.
I have also put in some info on why e-mails are not likely to be answered in the nearest future.
I will be going away for a wonderful two month honeymoon with my wife.
Oh Yes!! The man is getting married on the 29th of June

6th April 2003

A sad update today!
My internet provider thinks my films are taking up too much space and bandwidth. So now they asked me to pay twice as much as before.
I can't afford that so I must ask for donations to keep them online.
Please check out my video page to help me!

26th february 2003

Updates keeps coming!!!
I have reencoded my videos so they will be faster to download and while doing that I added english captions on my foam application film for you international viewers,

I think there won't be any updates for a little while now. Hope that is ok!

 25th february 2003

Fixed some more stuff!!!
My portfolio is now online, I added a new halloween video, I have put english subtitles on one of my other films, I updated my dvd with two new films and updated my linkslist with
27 new links!

I continued later in the evening and managed to make two more gallery pages too!

You have been asking for updates for a long time now so now you got a lot of them.

9 January 2003
As you can see the website is going through big changes.
These will keep coming for a while. I won't update this page until I am getting more done.

One thing worth mentioning could be my new dvd page. Check it out!

7 th January 2003

Updates coming!

I am deeply sorry for the lack of updates!
In your eyes I am probably very lazy but I promise that is not the fact. I have been working my a** off and have not had time for updates or opening my web shop.
But now things have calmed down and I have plenty of new material for you.
I am working a little bit everyday now so sometimes it may be quite messy here because i am gonna do major changes!

Until everything is ready please have fun with the

59 new links!!

30th September 2002
The last update consisted of three new gallery pages with a gelatine makeup, some puppet heads and the gelatine heads we did for a university in USA.
One more thing!
I have put three new videos online too!
19 new links to enjoy!


27 April 2002

Most of my big jobs are done now so I am gathering pictures to publish here soon.
Here you can get a little preview of what's coming.

The first one is a five piece gelatin makeup and the other is eight gelatin heads we did for a university in America.

Of course you have to get new links too.
So here you go:
38 new links to enjoy!

26 February 2002

Sorry, but the updates have to wait. I am up to my neck in work at the moment with a huge job for a university in USA.
So I apologize for not answering any e-mails right now.
Please try again in a month or so.

12 December 2001

BIG update today!

Cork up the champagne!
An update like this has not happend for ages!

I added
three more pages to the makeup gallery.
I added a whole new page about
foamed gelatine.
This is complete with recipes and instructions.
For everyone who is looking for a cheap way of doing makeup fx this is great.
And of course there it's all for free to read about here!

With the kind permission of Göteborgs Perukmakeri have I also been able to publish a step by step guide to wigmaking.

As always I have also added tons of new links!

The handpuppet pages are not done yet but they are coming soon.
The video page will be completly redone soon as well.

Have fun!!!

25 August 2001

While you are waiting for my new puppet making pages to be done I wanted to show you some teaser pics from the sculpting phase. It will be a childrens play so they had to be really cartoony.

It's great fun making these so I wish I had more time to do it. A full detailed "making of" page will be made as soon as I am done with them.

But I have to keep you busy till that page is done. I have done a BIG update on the links page.
More than 50 new links for your enjoyment.
It's amazing how much talented people you can find out there!!

22 April 2001

The updates have been lacking I know!
But I am moving around a lot and have not had time to do this right now.
Hold on I'm coming back!

26 February 2001

Yes! I know!!!
The website has been closed for a while but now I'm back big style!
I've added 250 mb of film of me applying makeup and interviews with me.

I have also put in a lot of new links!
Now I have more than 250 controlled links!
Biggest list on the net?
Have fun!

22 January 2001

I am back again!

I am back from L.A. and New Zealand but have a lot to do so you will have to wait for the next update a little longer.
I had a wonderful trip and I would like to take the opportunity to thank Brian Penikas, Michael Key and the Chiodo Bros who all made me feel very welcome when I visited L.A.
Thank you!!!

5 December 2000

I am leaving again!

It's hard to keep me in one place! This time I am going to enjoy life in L.A. and New Zeeland for 5 weeks.
During this time I am not going to answer any mails except in emergencies. And I keep the right to decide what is an emergency!
But I would not leave you without something to do so...

I have updated my gallery with 2 new pages
  15 and 16 

And of course I have added new links for you as well.

6 October 2000

I need tips and contacts!!
On December 10th I will go back to New Zeeland for a month and on my way there I will make a 40 hour stop in Los Angeles.
This will be my first visit to the states and want to make the most of this short stop. What should I do there???
Help me! If you are working in L.A. and could help me out in some way I would be really happy!

I have updated my gallery with 2 new pages

As I have loads of work right now I won't have time to reopen my web shop this year. I am sorry about this but you are welcome back next year.

If you have not checked out the new  links I put here a couple of weeks ago you should do that now

Soon it's time for Halloween again!
The most important weekend of the year!

29 February 2000

Now finally I'm leaving for Thailand, Australia and New Zeeland for at least 3-4 months to recover and find joy again after a very sad divorce. 
I will leave on March 19th and after this I'm gone!
I probably won't be able to make any updates but if I find a computer with Frontpage I will make a page and brag about how much fun I'm having.

But I haven't forgotten about you!
I have just inserted 14 brand new links you can play with while I'm gone.

Have fun wherever you are! 

Updated for Halloween!
 I'm sure all of you love Halloween as much as I do. But not all of you know how to make your own latex stuff to glue on. So now is your big chance!!!
I have updated my web shop with lots of new stuff for you to buy.
Check it out and scare the shit out of  your friends!

HALLOWEEN web shop

Make sure you won't leave  without checking the new links too.

20 april 99
demonpair_mini.jpg (13954 bytes)
Fixed out of date links (28 of them!!! What is happening??? Is everybody quitting?) and will soon add some new ones.

I Promise! I will add new pics soon too

tannhauser_small.jpg (10562 bytes)
I added some more pictures.

I hope you all will have a really relaxing holiday!
I will have more than 2 weeks holiday and will be enjoying it sooo much.

 2013-02-26 Update at the end of the old update list!

That was a trip down memory lane!
Not all good but a lot of it was.
If you want to have a look at how this web site has looked over the years I recommend you to visit:


You can use it for your own web site too. It is amazing fun!