Contact Us
If you want to contact us for job offers, comments, compliments or questions,
please don't hesitate to contact us.
Makeup effects Lars Carlsson AB
Lars Carlsson
Linnarhultsvägen 18
424 55 Angered
Mobile: +46 70 734 01 22
Please, please check the time difference from your country before
Makeup artists sleep too sometimes.
The current time in Sweden is right now (24 hour clock)
No phone calls between my 20:00 to 08:00, please.
Sweden is GMT +1
LA, USA=9 hours behind Sweden
London, UK= 1 hour behind Sweden
Sydney, AUS=9 hours ahead Sweden
note that this is an internet based shop and we do not have a
traditional shop .
Customers are very welcome to visit BUT
first after arranging an appointment with us.
If you just show up
without contacting us first we might have to ask you to leave since your
visit might crash with other jobs.
Sorry about this!!
Please read the F.A.Q page before
e-mailing me.
It might give you the answers you are looking for.
Questions about makeup tips, school projects, makeup schools
how to get into the business will most likely not be answered.
is because we get so many questions about this but we have no great
I never went to school to do this job and just got jobs
because people liked what they saw.
So I can't give any tips on how
to get where I am... Sorry!
Sorry but no Halloween questions will
be answered.
I do not want to be unfriendly, I just don't
have the time to answer the tons of questions that is being sent to us
during that season.
I hope you understand! We are not a Halloween shop
and we mainly work for film and theatre.
And to very quickly
answer the most common question I get during this time of year:
How much will it cost to make me a special mask or makeup for
The short and simple answer is, way more than anyone can spend on
Halloween. If they are not insane!!
The things we make are expensive
because we put weeks or months of work into them to make them good!
So with respect please direct your Halloween questions to people that
work with that holiday!